Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby!

So today baby peanut is officially 12 weeks 5days. I had an appointment with the OB last week and things went well. Amit was able to talk to the doctor and ensure that the genetic testing that they wanted to have done was going to be done. All the testing they want done will be done, and I go to have the Nuchal Translucency done on Wednesday. Here is some more information on the test just an ultrasound and blood test.

The doctor, whom I worked with before, is great and was able to answer the guys questions. She has worked with other surrogate patients so she is familiar with the process. Thanks Dr. Kirven!!! She then tried to find the babies heartbeat, she was unable to so I had to have another ultrasound, darn. The baby looked great and actually looked like a baby instead of a peanut!!! 

Baby Peanut 4/18/12
I have been feeling okay but my nose has been super sensitive. The boys were microwaving leftovers for lunch yesterday and the smell was so bad for me I thought I may be sick, they felt so bad but I told them it was not their fault!! Oh well, nothing I can do about it!! I will give another update with the results of the NT in a week or so hopefully!!

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